Pup Space®


Silly Dog

Nala is an eight year old Weimaraner and she has a mind and attitude of her own. She is a very determined dog but also gets distracted easily when she sees something more interesting. Nala is a very friendly dog that loves kissing everyone on their mouth when you give her love, even if you don't want her to, she will. She has the largest amount of stuffed animals and loves to bring people her stuffed animals when they come over or go by her.

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Nalas Favorite Toy

Dog and Elephant

This is one of Nala's favorite toys, we nicknamed this toy Ellie the elephant. The story to this huge stuffed animal was quite funny. I went to the fair with a bunch of friends and spent $40 and I won this stuffed animal, so I brought it home and I was not even in the door yet and my dog ran up to me with her big green eyes looking at me whinning because she wanted the big stuffed animal. Needless to say she got the stuffed animal and she loves dragging it around the house.

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Very Sleepy Dog

Dog Sleeping

Despite the fact that she is 65 lbs she still believes she is a puppy and wants to be a lap dog. She is a big cuddly dog but it has to be her idea and she will not lay by you unless she specifically wants to. She is a very muscular and very boney dog so it hurts when she lays directly on you so sometimes it is nice when she lays more on your legs or feet.

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