3R - Can I Use

Can I Use Explained

The purpose of the Can I Use website is to provide browser support tables for front-end web on desktop and mobile web browsers.

4 Different Uses of Information

There are many different uses of information from the Can I Use website. One very helpful way to use the information from the Can I use website is testing on a browser. Being able to know and understand how to test specific rules on a browser is very useful. Additonally on the website there is a helpful section that is labeled known issues which provides common issues that people have with the rule/property in many different browsers. Another way to use the information from the site is the Resource section, the resource section provides helpful links to other pages if you are confused or stuck when coding with the rule/property. Lastly, this site provides a Notes section that can be very useful if the property/rule is not supported by certain browsers or requires certain parameters to function properly.

Properties- Keyframes

The keyframes rule is a rule that identifies animation codes. The CSS Keyframes rule has great browser support and shows different feedback and reviews on the CSS Keyframes rule.

Properties- Flexbox

The Flexbox property is a method or way to position elements in vertical or horizontal layout. Flexbox generally has good browser support, however there are a few issues with requiring units on IE 11 and containers with display flex and flex direction column will not be able to calculate the flexed childrens sizes if there is not a given height. Additonally, there have been issues where IE 11 is not able to vertically align items correctly if there is a min height being used.


Being able to use and understand the Can I use website as well as what browsers support which properties is important. It is very useful to know which browsers support which css properties and rules that way the person coding is able to make it accessible for everyone and make sure there are no bugs within the code.