1R - MDN Web Technology Reference


HTML is the building block of all web content. HTML creates the structure and the meaning of the content. HTML uses markup to annotate all content that is going to be displayed. Markup includes many different elements such as body, title, header, footer, p, div, span, ul, ol, li, etc. HTML elements all have tags which are the greater than and less than symbol. This HTML site includes a lot of valuable information and resources that help all web creators when needing programming help. There are many different examples and resources that are benefical to experienced or not experienced coders.


CSS is a stylesheet that is used to create the look of a document in HTML. In CSS it describes how the elements should look on screens or any media. The MDN site on CSS is very helpful and includes several different resources, tutorials, and documents explaining different parts to CSS and includes information on different CSS styling, CSS building blocks, and CSS layout. This information would be very helpful when needing help when troubleshooting and when needing tips as to how to include different attributes.


MDN is a very helpful site that provides many different tutorials and information that can be very helpful to all types of coders, whether the coder is experienced or not the MDN site includes very useful information. Having a resource that is as thorough as this one is essential to creating a site that is not only useable but coded correctly.