
Target Audience

The target audience is for anyone that is interested in going into an IT field whether the field is one of the ones listed or not, as well as for those who are simply interested in going to the Portfolio Showcase events. My simple design helps viewers have access to contact information as well as an interactive map if they are unsure where the Portfolio Showcase Events occur. The design also allows those interested in the fields listed to learn more about the possible careers at NWTC in the IT field.

Overall Message

The overall message this site has is to inform people about the Portfolio Showcase careers as well as important information regarding these careers. The design I created for the Portfolio Showcase helped support my message of informing people about the Portfolio Showcase careers and the important information about the careers as I included a page about previous events and current events as well as a page about where the Portfolio Showcase happens and when.


My goal in creating this site was to inform viewers about the Portfolio Showcase events as well as careers that are being shown. By including the event information and helpful links to get more information about NWTC and the Portfolio Showcase this helps those viewing this site to be more aware of important dates and times. The grid and navigation elements that I used made finding more information and who to contact much easier for the viewer.

Calls to Action

The calls to action were both the contact page as well as the program pages for the viewers to click on. My design for this site helps support my Call to Action pieces as including a separate page for contact information with a google map which had the NWTC location on the map as well.

Design Summary

I chose these design choices for the layout because I wanted the colors to be appealing to the viewer but not too bright or too monotone where the viewer was not interested. The font I used was the font Lora Serif as it had that professional appeal but was not blocky or thick letters. The layout I used for the portfolio showcase was more block shaped to match the simplistic design with the rest of my site and I maintained that look throughout the assignment.