4R - Hamburger Collections

Hamburger Location 1 - Full Screen Hamburger Menu

The first hamburger menu design that I saw was a hamburger menu that was located in the top right corner with a half circle surrounding the hamburger icon. Once you click the hamburger menu the white half circle consumes up the entire page with the Home, About, and Contact categories.

Hamburger Location 2 - Top Drop Down

The second hamburger menu had a hamburger icon on the top middle of the page and when clicked it would create a drop down menu with the hamburger icon now changed into an X so the user could exit the hamburger menu. Once the hamburger menu was opened there was a toggle menu that had a Home, About, Contacts and more category as well as social media links with icons.

Hamburger Location 3 - Slider Burger Menu

The third hamburger menu had a hamburger menu icon located in the top right corner and when the icon was clicked it created a slider which came in on the left side and included many different categories. Such as a Home, About Us, Our Work, Products & Services and much more.


There are many different ways to create hamburger menus, whether you want the hamburger menu to have a simple or complex design is up to you as the creator. I think that the hamburger menus that are either at the top right and either create a slider or consume the entire page are more interesting and organized nicely. A neat way to organize content is to organize in a singular column where all the content/destinations are in a hierarchical order.