3R - Specificity A11Y Rules

CSS Specificity

Specificity is an algorithm that is used by the browser to decide what property value is going to be applied to a given element.If there are more than one style box with different selectors for the same property but with different values then specificity determines the property value for the element.

Contrast Ratios

Contrast Ratio is between foreground content and the background. The color contrast ratio changes depending on the type of content, for example:for a text the ratio should be at a minimum ratio of 4.5:1 and for an enhanced ratio it can be 7:1. Then for a larger scale text then the minimum ratio should be 3:1 with a enhanced ratio of 4.5:1. Following these ratios makes for the site to be easier to read for any person, especially those with vision difficulties.

Why must we meet contrast Ratios?

We have to meet color contrast ratios to make sure that all work is readable and can easily be seen, having good color contrast not only benefits the users but also the site. Those who may have specific types of color blindness or a condition where certain colors look too similar and blend together making it even more difficult for the user.

W3C Group that sets accessibility rules

The WCAG sets accessibility rules that make it more user friendly for everyone including those that may suffer from disabilities that can prevent them from using the content provided. We follow these guidelines that the WCAG provides so we can assist everyone, for example: users that may be blind/ low vision, partial hearing loss, deafness as well as speech, sensory and cognitive and learning disabilities. Following the guidelines ensures that all users needs will be met and they can have access to anything without complications.


Having content that is easy for everyone as well as those with disabilities is very important. Having content that is accessible for everyone means that we have to develop content that is as easy as possible no matter the users abilities.