1R - MDN Web Technology Reference


The HTML home page is a very useful page that includes background information on HTML, tutorials, references and guides for people to use in HTML. There are many different kinds of tutorials for beginners as well as advanced coders. On the HTML home page there are different tutorials on HTML tables, attributes, elements, links, forms as well as multimedia and different inputs that are used on the HTML page of the code. All of the tutorials that are on the site are very useful.


On the CSS home page there is a variety of different helpful information. When it comes to CSS coding it can be challenging as to figure out how you want the page that you are creatign to look. MDN web docs provides several tutorials and guides as to CSS layouts, styling texts (such as bolded text, underlined text, and text with the strike through it), as well as different CSS building blocks which include CSS selectors, the CSS box model, creating and using backgrounds or borders. In addition the tutorials go over CSS values, sizing items in css, styling tables as well as images/media. With this site containg all of these different tutorials it is extremely helpful to have these step by step instructions as well as useful tips when using different properties in CSS.


This website is a perfect resource for less experienced coders and more experienced coders as well. This website provides multiple helpful tips and resources that makes coding CSS and HTML pages much easier. Additonally the MDN website provides guides and tutorials on how to create different properties to look the way you want the site to look. A very helpful section is the Reference section which provides all concepts and properties in CSS that are needed when making a web page. There are also many dropdown arrows in the site navigation that includes even more tutorials and guides for CSS. Finding a site that is as trusted can be difficult, however MDN provides correct and helpful information for programming and coding help.