1. Joomla

    Joomla Site


    Joomla 1.0 was released in 2005 and was based off of Mambo CMS which was created by an Australian company in 2001. Joomla offers now flexible designs, security functionality, an access control list, extension directory and more.


    There are many requirements for Joomla which include the minimum and recommended versions for each piece of software,database and web server. Each version of Joomla requires different software, database and web server requirements. For Joomla! 4.x, Software includes PHP version 7.2.5 at the minimum and 8.0 for recommended.

    Supported databases include MySQL and PostgreSQL, MySQL requires a minimum version 5.6 and recommends anything higher than 5.6. PostgreSQL requires a minimum of version 11 and a maximum of any version higher than version 11.

    Supported Web Servers include Apache, Nginx and Microsoft IIS. Apache has a minimum version of 2.4 and a maximum of any version higher than 2.4. Nginx has a minimum of version 1.1 and a maximum of 1.18 or higher. Lastly, Microsoft IIS requires a minimum version of 8 and a maximum version of 10 or higher.

    Hosted or Self-Hosted

    Joomla is a self-hosted platform which means you have to find a domain name and a host.


    Joomla is free however you have to buy a domain name and hosting in order to create a website. Getting a host provider can be quite pricey starting at $150 – $500 for one year of registration. Additionally, buying a domain can cost $10-$30 a year for a domain name. Website Design/Development is the another expensive cost to running a site which starts at $500 and goes up to $5000 for custom work to your website.

    User Base

    Joomla is less used than Slack, Squarespace and Weebly and provides 85,000 million dollar companies and typically gets 700,000 to 800,000 visits per month.

    Filed Under: Style, Theme

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