Lindsay Mysql

Lindsay Mysql

MySQL Documentation

MySQL RDBMS is a Relational Database Management System that is used to maintain a database. MySQL consists of all database systems which include MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Microsoft Access. MySQL RDBMS uses SQL queries to obtain the data from the database. A databasew consits of many tables and the tables have titles and rows with data or records. Within the database there are also very important commands in the SQL statements which include: SELECT, UPDATE,DELETE, INSTERT, ALTER DATABASE, ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE and many more.

MySQL vs Other Databases

MySQL offers many benefits such as offering more improved alter tables, support for tables without transactions, allows merging tables to happen, and provides different table handlers for different transactions so the application writer can decide what the best solution is for their setup and tables. MySQL also supports more of the original ODBC functions compared to other databases. However, compared to PostgreSQL another database management system MySQL does not have the best transaction support compared to PostgreSQL. Also MySQL uses threads and can contain flaws whereas PostgreSQL does not use threads.

Usage of MySQL worldwide

MySQL is used quite often and is a preferred database for most people due to the fact it features Data Security, High Availability and many more helpful tools. With security MySQL offers many features such as MySQL Enterprise Firewall which protects the database against security threats, MySQL Enterprise Encryption which secures data when the data can be encoded and only the specific users that are given access can use it. MySQL also offers high availibility making it even more reliable. Having high availability is important as you never know what could happen to the database and technical errors may occur however MySQL offers 24/7 availability and provides helpful solutions.


MySQL is a very helpful database system that allows you to manage different relational databases. There are many benefits to using MySQL which include internal support for full-text search, ability to access several datbases from a singular connection, and allows you to have access to many more privilege systems in table,columns and the database in general.