Lindsay Local-php

Lindsay Local-php


MAMP is a very useful way to run PHP locally, it includes in the install - Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and many other great tools as well. Rather than having to download each app separetly MAMP allows you to download in one easy click and is free! MAMP is able to be downloaded both on macOS and Windows.


XAMPP is another great tool for running PHP locally as XAMPP provides a variety of server solution packages which include Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database and script interpreters when writing in PHP/Perl programming language. XAMPP is a very helpful web server that allows developers to create or write and test the programs on a local server.

Technique 3

WAMP is another great tool for running PHP locally. WAMP stabds for Windows,Apache,MySQL and PHP, downloading WAMP will install all of these tools easily. WAMP makes the work process for developers and theme designers much easier and allows you to test any WordPress feature without causing any issues as it is downloaded onto your own machine and does not use the web.


There are many advantages to PHP such as PHP is platform independent meaning PHP applications can run on many servers, PHP is also open-source and costs nothing to use. Additionally, PHP has a built in database connection so connecting to other databases is much easier and quicker. However, there are disadvantages to PHP which include PHP is not very secure because it is open source, PHP also does not do well with large content based web applications and has a weaker type that can cause data and knowledge to users to be incorrect.