Lindsay Php-history

Lindsay Php-history

Who and Why PHP?

PHP was originally created for building dynamic websites however now it it used much more commonly as a open-source scripting language, additonally all PHP scripts are directly on the server. A PHP file can be many different things such as HTML,CSS,PHP,Javascript, and text code. PHP files must have the extension ".php" or it will not work. PHP also is able to run on many different platforms such asMac, Windows, Unix and Linux etc. PHP is also able to work with several servers that people use today for example, Apache and IIS.

PHP Environment

PHP is able to be used on almost any server today such as Apache, IS, etc. and is able to be run on several platforms including (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)

Usage of PHP on the Internet

PHP is also known as "Hypertest Preprocessor" and is able to do many different things such as collect data, create,read, write, erase, and open files directly from the server! Additonally, PHP can recieve or send "cookies", as well as to add/delete or adjust data in your database that you created. PHP is also able to control user-access and encrypt data.PHP has many different functions to it already built in but the best part is you can have the ability to create your own functions. These functions allow you to create arrays, calendars/dates, errors, keywords, Network, stream and many more.


PHP is a very important type of open-source scripting language that many people use. PHP allows scripts to occur directly on the server and is able to control large social networks. With PHP being free to use it is a great option to consider when creating a new site.