6R - Public API's

Google Translate

Google Translate is a huge API that is free and available to everyone that has a device that is Apple,Samsung, Pixels, Laptops and iPads or desktops with the ability to search or download google translate. Google Translate is free translating service that allows you to have translation abilities in 133 different languages.

The New York Times

The New York Times is another great API that allows you to get data and links for New York Times articles when they are published on NYTimes.com. There is no cost to the New York Times site however there are given rates for the amount of API calls you can make which are two rate limits per API either 500 requests a day or 5 per minute.


OpenWeather is weather site that provides the forecast, current weather, as well as annual and short-term forecasted weather. With OpenWeather there are many options for what you can request which includes current weather, hourly forecast for 2 days, a minute foreast for 1 hour, daily forecast for a week as well as past weather data that can be ov er 40+ years ago. Calling using the "One Call by call" is free and allows you to use up to 1,000 API calls per day for free. There are different plans as well which is where you would have to pay if you wanted to use more than 1,000 API calls in a day.


APIs are important because they allow programs and scripts to communicate with each other. APIs are used for when you need to ask a program to do something however you do not know how to ask the program, an API will tell you how to do that as well as the format of the response.